

Thursday, November 12, 2015

ECA (Travel English): 秋期・中間プレゼンテーションについて


How are you? This post is about mid-term presentations (中間プレゼンテーション).  Our topic will be food from different countries and cultures!

Think about the Mexican dishes from our lesson on Santa Fe, New Mexico. You can present about some Mexican dishes - or you can choose some dishes from another country and culture.  

We'll do our presentations in class in our 8th week (8) in groups, so this will be like an exam - so it's important to work with classmates you like! 

Your group can do a Power Point presentation, but if you want to do a poster presentation, this is what you need: 

Guidelines for posters (ポスターの指導基準)
1) Your group will need one (1) A1-size sheet of poster paperYou can get this paper from a store that sells penspaper and notebooksOne sheet costs 150 yen. 

2) Make the pictures big, to A4 size. Have 2-3 of these pictures on your posters.

Here is an example of a presentation poster about Chinese food: 

Now here is what I would like you to do for your poster: 


I would like you to have: 
4-6 pictures of two or three different dishes
Ingredients to each dish
Recipe for each dish
Which part of a country the dish comes from

準備しましょう!Have fun!

Image: Top - "Classic Hamburger Sandwich" (courtesy of KEKO64)/FreeDigitalPhotos.net/Chinese food & poster layout shots - personal photographs. All rights reserved. 

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